

The Sixth Warfighting Domain? Governing The Space-Cyber Nexus, 59(1) Georgia Law Review, 51 (2024) (with Scott J. Shackelford, James B. Romano, and Sergei Dmitriachev) (download PDF)

The Laws of Space Warfare: A Tale of Nonbinding International Agreements, 83(2) Maryland Law Review, 458 (2024) (download PDF)

The Empire Strikes Back: Comparing U.S. and China’s Structural Power in Outer Space, 3 Global Studies Quarterly 1 (2023) (with Jean-Frédéric Morin) (download PDF)

Space Commercialization and Global Economic Inequality, 24(1) Georgetown Journal of International Affairs 55 (2023) (download PDF)

The Big Bang of Space Governance: Towards Polycentric Governance of Space Activities, 54(2) NYU Journal of International Law & Politics 485 (2022) (download PDF)

Structuring the Discourse on the Exploitation of Space Resources: Between Economic and Legal Commons, 49 Space Policy 101290 (2019) (download PDF)

Israel – Florida Space Cooperation Agreement: A Hybrid Model of International Cooperation, 42 J. Space Law 112 (2019) (download PDF)

Moon Inc.: The New Zealand Model of Granting Legal Personality to Natural Resources Applied to Space, 6 New Space 288 (2018) (with Christopher Whitehead) (download PDF)

New Israeli Civil Space Policy to Boost R&D and Commercial Space Industrial Base, 2 New Space 1 (2014) (download PDF)

Book contributions & conference proceedings

The Final Frontier of Global Society and the Evolution of Space Governance’, in Challenges of Globalization and Prospects for an Inter-Civilizational World Order (Ino Rossi ed) (Springer 2020) (download PDF)

Core drafter and reviewer of Global Space Governance: An International Study (Ram Jakhu & Joseph N. Pelton eds., 2017)

Global Space Governance: The Crisis and the Search for Innovative Governance Models, in Aviation and Space Law and Technology (Elżbieta Dynia & Lidia Brodowski eds., 2017) (download PDF)

‘Contemporary Chinese Policy and Practice Regarding International Cooperation in Space Activities: Opportunities & Challenges for Canadian Actors’, in Proceedings of the 17th Astronautics Conference of the Canadian Aeronautics and Space Institute (2016) (download PDF)

‘Applying Ostrom’s Nobel Winning Study to International Cooperation in Space Activities’, in Proceedings of the International Institute of Space Law 2014 (Rafael Moro-Aguilar, P.J. Blount, & Tanja Masson-Zwaan eds., 2015) (download PDF)

Other publications

Addressing Canada’s Exposure to Space-Cyber Threats (CIGI Policy Brief No. 178, October 2, 2023) (download PDF)

The First Space-Cyber War and the Need for New Regimes and Policies (CIGI Policy Brief No. 173, May 16, 2022) (download PDF)

China’s new space station opens for business in an increasingly competitive era of space activity, The Conversation, December 9, 2022 (with Scott Shackelford)

The billionaires compete and the US wins the 21st century space race, The Space Review, August 30, 2021

Attention Silicon Valley: The Exposure of Space Startups to US Export Control Rules, Space News, April 8, 2021 (with Gabor Szecsi)

The Mega Disruption: Satellite Constellations and Space-based Internet, Canadian Center for International Governance Innovation (CIGI), August 31, 2020 (with Jean-Frédéric Morin)

Adopting a Universal Tax Regime for Outer Space Exploration?, AfronomicsLaw, July 31, 2020 (with Alexander Ezenagu)

Sheriff Elon Musk? Who will govern human space habitats, and how, The Space Review, May 21, 2018

Guess Who’s Coming to Lecture: Using “Virtual Guest Lecture” to Support the Role of the Classroom Professor, McGill Legal Education Working Papers Series, 2016